The trailer for Manoj Bajpayee-starrer Despatch was unveiled recently. The film will see Manoj Bajpayee as a crime journalist investigating a Mumbai scam that becomes life-threatening experience for him. blood suckers slot
Manoj Bajpayee plays Joy Bag, a crime journalist who is on a mission to uncover a 2G spectrum scam. He then finds out a network of corrupt and powerful people who threaten him to abandon the case. He struggles and navigates through media corruption, power battles, and personal difficulties. Will he be able to expose the dark secrets of Mumbai’s criminal underbelly or will the truth destroy him first? That would be interesting to see.
Watch Despatch trailer here.Bajpayee, in a statement, said, ''I have undergone intense prep work for this role and Kanu is a tough taskmaster who has pushed us beyond our comfort to deliver our absolute best, so we hope that this movie strikes a chord with the viewers and pushes us to do better.''
Despatch premiered at the MAMI Film Festival 2024 and was also screened at the 55th International Film Festival of India. Apart from Manoj Bajpayee, the film also stars Shahana Goswami, Arrchita Agarwaal, Ritu Parna Sen, Dilip Shankar, Riju Bajaj and others in key roles.
Produced by Ronnie Screwvala’s RSVP Movies and directed by Kanu Behlblood suckers slot, Despatch is all set to premiere on Zee5 on December 13.